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Ahhh: Warm!!!

For the first time in over a week I’m not putting on my down booties.  Warm weather is on the way.  Perhaps a little too warm for late January but I’ll take it.  Last week got old with the cold!!  It was such a delight as the week went on to reduce the no. of […]


Not a lot of snow but plenty of cold. It has been a cold week.  The snow just made the cold a little more bearable.  Marina is thrilled to have a snow day.  Personally, I’m glad she had enough for a snow day but glad we didn’t get any more snow.  

Beautiful/Wet Spring

Most beautiful  and longest  dogwood  blossoming I’ve  ever seen.

Winter Ride

  Had a great ride.  The weather was perfect.   Cold, so footing was good.  Blue sky, sunny, NO WIND.

Weather Today

It is February 28 and the weather is finally getting decent.  Although it is very breezy.  Makes 40 seem like 30.  We went on a trail ride yesterday and I actually got a couple of lessons in.  Can spring really be coming?